Many parents and guardians I meet assume their child could never develop an eating disorder. “No young adult is immune.

 If you're wondering how to respond to your child's concerns about weight, Morris offered this conversation starter: "I'm sorry to hear you're worrying about that. I want you to pengalaman all college has to offer no matter what size your bodi is. Why do you think our culture is so fixated on thinness?"


In contrast to what our culture promotes, college students are supposed to gain weight because they are "in a phase of important and ongoing growth and development. This includes acquisition of bone densitas, brain growth, and physical development," Gee said lewat e-mail.

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Parents and guardians can help combat bodi-shaming messages. Dukungan your child by normalizing "the need to gain weight as bodies mature rather than reinforcing fear about it," Muhlheim added.

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One of the most powerful things parents and caregivers can do — which may also be the hardest — is to mode bodi neutrality and embrace bodi diversity themselves.

Bodi gambar concerns and dieting aren't the only potential disruptors to a college student's eating behavior. Many students don't have akses to all-you-can-eat dining halls offering three meals daily.

"Food insecurity is a major issue for many college students, and is terkait to eating disorder risk," said Sarah Minkow, a registrasied dietitian at the University of California, Berkeley.

"Sometimes dining hall meal plans only provide two meals per day and no meals on the weekends. Even if students have the financial means to purchase food, campuses may be in food deserts."

Kerabates can encourage their young adults to understand the meal rencana and dining hall hours — and to estimate a bujet for additional food needs. Rencana to have go-to snacks and other familier food in their dorm room can be an important safeguard, Trotter advised.

As classes get underway, parents and guardians can make a poin of routinely staying in touch with their child by teks or video chat. Trotter suggested "approaching with empathy and curiosity" while asking about their social life and pengalaman with the dining hall food.

Warning signs of an eating disorder include weight loss, suasana hati changes, social isolation, or a preoccupation with food, weight or exercise. Parents and guardians should listen to their gut if they sense something isn't right.

"Colleges typically tell parents to setop helicoptering," but in this case, Muhlheim said she disagrees. "I don't advise parents to completely abdicate their roles. The school will not get involved until the masalah is obvious and profound. Parents should kepercayaan their instincts if they sense their student is struggling with an eating disorder or any other psikis health issue."

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